View APNG Files Online

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An .apng file is an animated image saved in the Animated Portable Network Graphic format. APNG files are similar to animated GIF (.gif) files, though not as common. Each APNG file contains a sequence of PNG (.png) frames that comprise the animation.

Many image viewers cannot open APNG files. Therefore, you may want to convert an APNG file to a more common image format, such as GIF, PNG, or JPEG (.jpg), to make it easier to open and share. In some cases, however, conversion software will not preserve an APNG file's animation, even if you convert it to GIF. Instead, the software will save the converted file as a single static image.

NOTE: Many APNG files use the .png extension instead of the .apng extension.

About File Helper

File Helper is a free web-based file utility that can open Animated Portable Network Graphic files and over 150 other file formats directly in your web browser. It displays file properties, including metadata, and image EXIF data, along with information about the corresponding file type. File Helper can also view and convert images to several common formats. Have an unknown file or a file without an extension? No problem — File Helper can identify over 15,000 file types.

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