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About CSS Files

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A .css file is a text file that stores Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language for controlling the design and layout of webpages written in HTML. It defines styles that apply to multiple pages or elements, enabling consistent visual themes across an entire website. For example, a single CSS file can specify the same font and size for all headings on a website across separate webpages, eliminating the need for specifying styles for individual headings on each webpage.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) developed and released CSS in 1996 to help standardize webpages. The format has evolved significantly through different versions. For example, CSS1 (1996) focused on controlling fonts, colors, margins, and some other basic properties but provided limited layout capabilities, whereas CSS3 (2011) introduced features like animations, transitions, and grid layouts, allowing for more dynamic and complex designs.

When viewing and modifying .css files, developers often use code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs), which provide helpful features like syntax highlighting. Then, when ready to publish, developers commonly link CSS files to their HTML documents using the tag or embed styles directly within HTML using the